Isaac Bonewits
1949 2010
Author. Druid. Singer (I recommend his album "Be Pagan Once Again").
Raymond Buckland
1934 2017
Englishman. Author of Pagan books. His writings have been criticized as being too shallow, but I have read two of his books, and thought they were good.
Laurie Cabot
1933 Not Dead Yet
She's the "Official Witch of Salem," a title given to her in 1975 by then-governor Michael Dukakis. She is sometimes criticized for being too "commercial" and dressing up like a Halloween witch.
Scott Cunningham
1956 1993
Well-known and well-respected Pagan author. Wrote books on the subject of the god/masculine aspect of deity.
Wrote a definitive work on herbs and their magickal properties. A former student of Raven Grimassi.
Gerina Dunwich
1959 Not Dead Yet
Pagan author who has a genius for explaining esoteric ideas in down-to-earth terms. I have used
some of her writings on this website (with her permission).
Stewart Farrar
1916 2000
The Grand Old Man of Wicca. Author of What Witches Do and The Witches' Way.
Selena Fox
1949 Not Dead Yet
Founder of
Circle Sanctuary, home of the annual Pagan Spirit Gathering.
Gerald Gardner
1884 1964
A truly fascinating man who traveled the world over. Author of Witchcraft Today, the first book of the
modern-day Neo-Pagan movement.
Amber K
1947 Still Kickin'
Wiccan author; one of the best. Her book Coven Craft: Witchcraft for Three or More is a must-read. True
Magick; a Beginner's Guide is also excellent.
She is the Executive Director of the
Ardantane Pagan Learning Center.
Carl McColman
1960 Not Dead Yet
Outstanding Wiccan author. Writes in a clear, lucid style, without the mumbo-jumbo. I highly recommend The
Complete Idiot's Guide to Paganism, his magnum opus.
He entered the Catholic Church in March 2005, but still considers himself Pagan-friendly.
Edain McCoy
1960(?) Not Dead Yet
Wiccan author. Has published several works on covens.
Silver Ravenwolf
1956 Not Dead Yet
True name Jenine Trayer. Probably the world's best-known Wiccan author. Her Book of Shadows is a standard work; it should be in every witch's library. She also writes fiction that is aimed at teens; I've read one of these books, and it was pretty good. Leader of the Black Forest Coven.
1959(?) Not Dead Yet
True name Miriam Simos. Tireless political activist. Author of The Spiral Dance, a standard work on modern Neo-Paganism from a feminist point of view.
Doreen Valiente
1922(?) 1999
Author of "The Charge of the Goddess." An associate of Gerald Gardner. Wrote An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present.