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These are some of the luminaries of Wicca, those who have contributed greatly to the modern neo-Pagan movement:

Isaac Bonewits 1949 — 2010 Author. Druid. Singer (I recommend his album "Be Pagan Once Again").
Raymond Buckland 1934 — 2017 Englishman. Author of Pagan books. His writings have been criticized as being too shallow, but I have read two of his books, and thought they were good.
Laurie Cabot 1933 — Not Dead Yet She's the "Official Witch of Salem," a title given to her in 1975 by then-governor Michael Dukakis.   She is sometimes criticized for being too "commercial" and dressing up like a Halloween witch.
Scott Cunningham 1956 — 1993 Well-known and well-respected Pagan author. Wrote books on the subject of the god/masculine aspect of deity. Wrote a definitive work on herbs and their magickal properties. A former student of Raven Grimassi.
Gerina Dunwich 1959 — Not Dead Yet Pagan author who has a genius for explaining esoteric ideas in down-to-earth terms. I have used some of her writings on this website (with her permission).
Stewart Farrar 1916 — 2000 The Grand Old Man of Wicca. Author of What Witches Do and The Witches' Way.
Selena Fox 1949 — Not Dead Yet Founder of Circle Sanctuary, home of the annual Pagan Spirit Gathering.
Gerald Gardner 1884 — 1964 A truly fascinating man who traveled the world over. Author of Witchcraft Today, the first book of the modern-day Neo-Pagan movement.
Amber K 1947 — Still Kickin' Wiccan author; one of the best. Her book Coven Craft: Witchcraft for Three or More is a must-read. True Magick; a Beginner's Guide is also excellent.
She is the Executive Director of the Ardantane Pagan Learning Center.
Carl McColman 1960 — Not Dead Yet Outstanding Wiccan author. Writes in a clear, lucid style, without the mumbo-jumbo. I highly recommend The Complete Idiot's Guide to Paganism, his magnum opus.

He entered the Catholic Church in March 2005, but still considers himself Pagan-friendly.
Edain McCoy 1960(?) — Not Dead Yet Wiccan author. Has published several works on covens.
Silver Ravenwolf 1956 — Not Dead Yet True name Jenine Trayer. Probably the world's best-known Wiccan author. Her Book of Shadows is a standard work; it should be in every witch's library. She also writes fiction that is aimed at teens; I've read one of these books, and it was pretty good. Leader of the Black Forest Coven.
Starhawk 1959(?) — Not Dead Yet True name Miriam Simos. Tireless political activist. Author of The Spiral Dance, a standard work on modern Neo-Paganism from a feminist point of view.
Doreen Valiente 1922(?) — 1999 Author of "The Charge of the Goddess." An associate of Gerald Gardner. Wrote An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present.

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