How Do You Know
You're a Witch?

If you come over to my house today, you might see Witchcraft books on my shelves.   You might see statues of Nathor and Isis on a shelf in my living room.   You may notice that I'm wearing a pentagram around my neck.   If you bring up the subject of Witchcraft, we'll have a lively conversation, and you'll discover that I know more about it than the average person.

But this isn't what makes me a Witch.

It isn't the pentagram or the "head knowledge;" these are the outward manifestations of something that happened (and is still happening) inside me.   I am a Witch because I am a Witch.   Take away the paraphernalia and accoutrements, and I'm still a Witch.

You're not a Witch because of what you do; you do things a certain way because you're a Witch.

What makes you think you're a Witch?   Do you ever DO anything that's particularly Witchy?   Do you ever circle?   Consult the Tarot?   Pray to the Lord and Lady?   Wear a pentagram, or at least a magickal amulet?   Do you at least study about The Craft?

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just DO IT.

Ritual/magick/circle casting can be time-consuming, and you find yourself coming up with reasons not to do it: "not enough time" or "too tired" or "I don't have all the equipment."

There's a driver education school that has developed a remarkable technique for teaching drivers how to handle a skid: instead of mere classroom instruction, they take the driver out on a track and "give him a skid." Over and over, he feels what it's like to start skidding, and he feels what it's like to recover. It's an effective way to learn something.

Re-learn what it feels like to be in the circle ... over and over. If you don't do it, it will never feel natural. You know you belong there. You know it fits.

Pertaining to
the Craft