This is a webring for sites that are Wiccan or Pagan in orientation.   Commercial sites are welcome.

We do not accept the following types of sites:

1.   password-protected sites, or sites which ask you to register or join.
2.   sites that are "under construction," i.e., not yet "up."
3.   game-playing and role-playing sites.
4.   sites displaying mangled bodies, autopsies, torture, etc.
5.   sites which proclaim that hate is good.
6.   non-English-language sites. My foreign language skills are somewhat lacking, and I can't verify that the site contains content relevant to the ring unless it's in English.
7.   unreadable sites. I don't demand that everyone be a master web designer, but if I can't even read your page, I can't review it for inclusion in this ring.
8.   sites which are primarily dedicated to "heavy metal" or "death rock."
9.   pornographic sites.
10.   sites that are nothing more than lists of links.

Please don't submit an animated graphic banner, or a banner with an automatic popup.

And please, no multiple listings for the same website.

When you join, you'll be asked to put my banner on your own website (the idea being that I help people find YOUR site, and you help people find my webring).   PLEASE do this.   In other words, you should actually put my banner on your own website, preferably (1) on a page named "Links" or "Webrings" or (2) on the very page that you submit as being your URL.   It's nice if I can come visit your website a few months from now and actually find the Pendragon's Top 1000 banner there.   Thanks.

Ready to submit your site?