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      A True Story

      It was in the early 1990's.   Stevie Nicks was on the road doing concerts, and for some reason the tour was having more than its share of problems.   Nothing seemed to be going right.   As a result, Stevie was much more irritable than usual.   People were staying away from her.

      She was in Denver.   A light snow falling.   Her boyfriend at the time, Joe Walsh, was traveling with her.   After he witnessed her throwing a particularly bad tantrum, he quietly called her aside and said, "Let's go for a drive."   She didn't want to go, but she went anyway.

      They drove for two hours.   Stevie didn't talk much.   Joe told her a story ... about his daughter, Emma Kristen, who had died at the age of three.

      His little daughter had been on her way to school one morning, in a van with some other children (one of the other mothers had car pool duty), and somebody ran a red light.   His daughter had been killed.

      As Joe and Stevie drove through the mountains, he told of how he used to take his daughter to a special park, a magical place, as often as he could.   The only thing his daughter had ever complained about was that she was too short to get a drink from the water fountain.   She couldn't reach the button without being helped.

      Finally, they arrived at a park, and Joe stopped the jeep.   Stevie suddenly realized that this was THEIR park, the park that Emma had loved so much.   Joe helped Stevie get out of the jeep.   Then she saw it ... there, under a tree, was a tiny drinking fountain.   Joe had had it installed after the death of his daughter.

      On it was an inscription: "Dedicated to HER and all others who were too small to get a drink."

      Stevie Nicks later wrote, "Nothing in my life ever seems as dark anymore since we took that drive."

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