Two of Cups

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The Two of Cups tarot card from the Universal Waite deck






In a sense, this card is a lesser version of The Lovers.

The symbol in the background is a caduceus - two snakes wound around a staff - it is the symbol of Hermes, the god of magick.

The caduceus should not be confused with the Rod of Asclepius, which is one snake wound around a staff.   The Rod of Asclepius is the traditional symbol of the medical profession.

Note also the similarity between this card and the Six of Cups.

There are seven cards in the Rider deck that show a large, dominant figure "presiding" over two smaller figures standing below it (forming a triangle of sorts):
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Devil
The Moon
Two of Cups
Six of Pentacles

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